Shop for less: save more ?

Christmas and another End of year comes.. That's when people throw their money for. Brochures, infos, and online advertisement are showing the super attractive discount programs, namely 'clearance' 'cashback' 'big discount' 'sale' and many more..
One very interesting campaign is 'shop and save'. In a simple word, how come you 'buying' but 'saving' at the same time? The question is: how worthy is that ? Does it trying to lure people's money by buying something that not on the list of their priority..

However, the perception is something to target by commercial. To persuade people of buying 'off-peak' like having a snow coat during summer, at the time when the biggest discount happens. On the other extreeme, advertising 'clearence' and 'sale' at the correct timing. Basically, they sale the same product, but with different ways time to time.
But, that's the way marketing people do.

So, which one do you prefer? :Shop and Save: or :Shop till u drop: ? Ah ... that's a matter of perception, but the reality is always the same. the money is still vapourized...


Anonymous said…
Mas, kalau ada yang bilang pilar utama peradaban Islam itu sholat gimana mas ? atau puasa ? Atau yang lainnya, misalnya perjuangan...

Sebab saya baru dengar yang namanya pilar peradaban Islam itu adalah makanan halal dan thoyyib.

Makasih, jazakallah.
Selamat berjuang.
ARahmadi said…
Simpel Mbak,
Bagaimana shalatnya mau diterima kalau apa yang kita konsumsi masih belum bisa terjaga.

Dari konsumsi, akan menjadi energi, tenaga untuk berfikir dan berkarya. Apabila energi-nya berasal dari yang haram, bagaimana pola berfikirnya tidak menjadi 'cenderung ke arah yang haram pula ?'

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