Aboriginal medicine pratice in Australia

We were talking about Aboriginal Medicine in Australia. It is all started from curiosity during our morning coffee. That coffee time is not only a relaxing and interaction time, but it is also a very effective way to start and extend collaborative works.
In collaboration with A/Prof Syed Ziaur Rahman (primary author) and Dr Paul Hysen (via correspondent communication), we exchanged information and composed general ideas of medicinal practice in Aborigines. Further, based on that information, an article was published by primary author in Newsletter of Ibn Sina Academy (NISA) vol 10 no 4 issue 39, Oct-Dec 2010.

an example of published newsletter can be obtained here

(1) Based on a famous book of Ngangkari, a glossary of terminologies in Aboriginal healing practice is obtained.
(2) Ngangkari is a healer in Aborigin community,possessing abilities to heal people and believing in the connection of illness and death with spirits.
(3) From modern medicine point of view, it is hard to understand healing processes.
(4) But, Ngangkaris are not refusing to work with conventional doctors. In some cases, they encourage paties to seek help from 'white' doctors if required.
(5) Healing via a particular ceremony and bush medicine/bush tucker (see also: 1, 2) are practiced in Aborigins.

past article: a non complete view on Ngangkari.


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